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At Emor, we are certain that children will fix our world.  We encourage them to dream big and to start now.  Here are some of the projects that they are currently spearheading.

Operation Dream
Project Leader: Jeremy

As a response to G-d asking me Aieka and as a way to contribute to a world full of bridges, I created a program close to my heart that helps homeless veterans.  My goal is to provide for homeless veterans the opportunity to rediscover and develop the passions and dreams of their childhood.  This program is very unique.  While other groups in this field are helping with the basic needs of Homeless Veterans such as shelter, food, mental health, rehab etc., our program focuses on the one area that is not typically provided, yet is at the very spiritual core of any person's overall healthy and happiness.  It is from this most essential human core place that a person's sense of fulfillment in life can be achieved.  I have created a crowd funder for this program, and ask that you check back in the near future and submit your email address HERE, to receive the link.  With your help, we can play a humble role in returning precious light to the souls of these holy veterans and in doing so, contribute to returning G-d's precious light to the world. 

Project Leader: Ben

Join the force of good in the world and make it a better place one day at a time.   #bringthelight is a movement of positive change.   Bracelet wearers become community members- lightbearers- committed to positive action.  Offer a helping hand, a kind word, a donation a smile, a mitzvah, and transform the confusion, the hate, and negativity of our world. Only light can dispel the darkness.
Tag images as you spread the light with #bringthelight. Proceeds are reinvested back into the project to purchase additional bracelets and to continue repairing the world.  In connection, we are also making a web app ware you can enter the location of people in need of help.For more info, go to,

Project Leader: Henry

Sugar. Those tiny white granules that make life oh so sweet—you know you love ‘em. Love it or not, there are more than 70 health disorders that are connected to sugar consumption including diabetes, lack of concentration, allergies, asthma, ADHD, hypoglycemia, mood swings, immune and nutritional deficiencies. The average American consumes 3lbs of sugar a week, that’s a whopping 3,550 lbs. in a lifetime. That’s a lot of sugar.


For my Bar Mitvah project I decided to tackle this disturbing epidemic. An inspiration for the start of this was a documentary called Fed Up. Fed up is a movie about sugar and its effects on people’s health and wellbeing. To help spread the word, and help people lead lives where they feel good about their bodies and their diets, I created a heathy food challenge called Green Machine. The challenge is about making sweets that we like eating healthier but just as good. Join my fight to lead a life with less sugar but still sweet. Log on to and take my challenge. I dare you.

#bringthelight Glow-in-the-Dark Wristband

SKU 00001848
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#bringthelight Glow-in-the-Dark Wristband
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